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Health & Safety

At COYS Construction Ltd., it is our policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees, clients and anyone else that may be affected by our work activities. The minimum standard we will adopt will be compliance with legal requirements and appropriate codes of practice. However, our aim will be to fulfil the spirit of the law and not just comply with technical requirements. We will assess the risks from our work activities and will operate according to the procedures that best promote health and safety at work. We have appointed Aston Francis to assist us in these duties as our safety advisors under Reg.7 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (as amended).

We accept our responsibilities for health and safety and are committed to giving health and safety equal importance with other business matters. We will ensure that the resources necessary to achieve the objectives of this Health and Safety Management System are made available. We require cooperation from all employees to enable us to fulfil our legal duties and the objectives of this Safety Management System. To promote co-operation, procedures for consulting employees are built into the Safety Management System. It is their duty to follow the standards and procedures laid down by the company.

Equipment that enables tasks to be carried out safely will be provided and maintained to ensure their safe operation. Employees will be provided with appropriate training and instruction considered necessary to ensure that they know how to work safely. Risk assessments will be documented for significant tasks and where exposure to hazards cannot be prevented by any other means, appropriate personal protective equipment will be provided and instruction in its use and maintenance given.

Our own building will be maintained in a safe manner and suitable facilities for welfare at work will be provided and maintained, as will arrangements to ensure access to first aid.

The Directors have ultimate responsibility for health and safety within our company and will nominate a competent person to manage operations day to day. Other responsibilities for health and safety matters have been assigned as appropriate.

The Construction Manager will oversee an annual review of this Health and Safety Management System and associated procedures to ensure their continued effectiveness. Where necessary to ensure legal compliance and promote continuous improvement, the Safety Management System and associated guidance will be amended and communicated.

Health & Safety: Text
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